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The Sullivan Lab, MCD Biology, UCSC |
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Sullivan Lab Publications - Cytokinesis
Brose L, Crest J, Tao L,
Sullivan W (2017). Polo kinase mediates the phosphorylation and
cellular localization of Nuf/FIP3, a Rab11 effector. Mol Biol
Cell 28(11):1435-1443 [PDF] Tao, L, Fasulo, B, Warecki, B,William Sullivan, W (2016) Tum/RacGAP
functions as a switch activating the Pav/kinesin-6 motor. Nature Communications 19;7:11182 [PDF]
DeBruhl, H, Albertson R, Swider Z, Sullivan W (2015) Rop, the
Sec1/Munc18 homolog in Drosophila, is required for furrow ingression
and stable cell shape during cytokinesis. J Cell Sci 15;129(2):430-43 [PDF] Karg T, Warecki B, and Sullivan W (2015) Aurora B mediated localized delays in nuclear envelope formation facilitates inclusion of late segregating chromosome fragments. MBoC 26(12):2227-41 [PDF] Kotadia S*, Montembault E*, Sullivan W, Royou A. (2012) Cell elongation – an adaptive response clearing long chromatid arms from the cleavage plane. Journal of Cell Biology 199(5):745-53. [PDF] Crest J, Concha-Moore K, and Sullivan W. (2012) RhoGEF and positioning Rappaport like furrows in the early Drosophila embryo. Curr Biol. 2012 Sep 25. [PDF] Kotadia S, Crest J, Tram U, Riggs B, Sullivan W. (2010) Blastoderm Formation and Cellularisation in Drosophila melanogaster. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester http://www.els.net. [PDF] Sullivan W. (2009) Centrosomes: CNN's broadcast reaches the cleavage furrow. Curr Biol. 2009 Jul 14;19(13): 513-5. [PDF] Royou A, McCusker D, Kellogg DR, Sullivan W. (2008) Grapes(Chk1) prevents nuclear CDK1 activation by delaying cyclin B nuclear accumulation. J Cell Biol. 2008 Oct 6;183(1):63-75. [PDF] Cao J, Albertson R, Riggs B, Field CM, Sullivan W. (2008) Nuf, a Rab11 effector, maintains cytokinetic furrow integrity by promoting local actin polymerization. J. Cell Biol 182(2): 301-13. [PDF] Albertson R, Cao J, Hsieh TS, Sullivan W. (2008) Vesicles and actin are targeted to the cleavage furrow via furrow microtubules and the central spindle. J Cell Biol. 181(5):777-90. [PDF] Riggs B, Fasulo B, Royou A, Mische S, Cao J, Hays TS, Sullivan W. (2007) The Concentration of Nuf, a Rab11 Effector, at the Microtubule-organizing Center Is Cell Cycle-regulated, Dynein-dependent, and Coincides with Furrow Formation. Mol Biol Cell 18: 3313-3322. [PDF] Albertson R, Riggs B, and Sullivan W. (2005) Membrane traffic: a driving force in cytokinesis. Trends Cell Biol 15: 92-101. [PDF] Royou A, Macias H, and Sullivan, W. (2005) The Drosophila Grp/Chk1 DNA damage checkpoint controls entry into anaphase. Curr Biol, 15: 334-339. [PDF] Field C.M., Coughlin M., Doberstein S, Marty T, Sullivan W. (2005) Characterization of scraps mutants reveals an essential role for anillin in septing localization and cortex/plasma membrane integrity. Development 132: 2849-2860. [PDF] Kidd, T., R. Abu-Shumays, A.Katzen, J. Sisson, G.Jimenez, S. Pinchin, W. Sullivan, D. Ish-Horowicz. (2005) The epsilon subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase is required for normal spindle orientation during the Drosophila embryonic divisions. Genetics 170: 697-708. [PDF] Royou, A., C. Field, J. Sisson, W. Sullivan and R. Karess (2004). Reassessing the role and dynamics of nonmuscle myosin II during furrow formation in early Drosophila embryos. Mol Biol Cell, 15: 838-850. [PDF] Riggs, B., W. Rothwell, S. Mische, G.R.X. Hickson, G.W. Gould, T. Hays, and W. Sullivan. (2003) Actin cytoskeleton remodeling during early Drosophila furrow formation requires recycling endosomal components Nuclear-fallout and Rab11. Journal of Cell Biology, 163: 143-154. [PDF] Hickson G.R.X., J. Matheson, B. Riggs, V.H. Maier, A.B. Fielding, R. Prekeris, W. Sullivan, F.A. Barr, and G.W. Gould. (2003) Arfophilins are dual arf/rab11 binding proteins that regulate recycling endosome distribution and are related to Drosophila Nuclear-fallout. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14: 2908-20. [PDF] Royou, A., W. Sullivan and R. Karess (2002). Cortical recruitment of nonmuscle myosin II in early syncytial Drosophila embryos: its role in nuclear axial expansion and its regulation by Cdc2 activity. Journal of Cell Biology, 158:127-137. [PDF] Tram, U., B. Riggs, and W. Sullivan (2001). Cleavage and gastrulation in Drosophila embryos. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan Reference Ltd. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature Publishing Group. London. www.els.net. [PDF] Debec, A., M. Grammont, G. Berson, B. Dastugue, W. Sullivan, J.L. Couderc. (2001) Toucan protein is essential for the assembly of syncytial mitotic spindles in Drosophila melanogaster. Genesis. 31: 167-175. [PDF] Sisson, J.C., C. Field, R. Ventura, A. Royou, and W. Sullivan. (2000) Lava Lamp, a Novel Peripheral Golgi Protein, Is Required for Drosophila melanogaster Cellularization. J. Cell Biol.151:905-918. [PDF] Zhang C. X., W.F. Rothwell, W. Sullivan and T. Hsieh. (2000) Discontinuous actin hexagon, a protein essential for cortical furrow formation in Drosophila is membrane associated and hyper-phosphorylated. Molecular Biology of the Cell11:1011-1022. [PDF] Sisson, J.C., W.F. Rothwell, and W. Sullivan. (1999) Cytokinesis: Lessons from Rappaport and the Drosophila blastoderm embryo. Current Biology International 23:871-876. Rothwell, W.F., C.X. Zhang, C. Zelano, T. Hsieh, And W. Sullivan. (1999) The Drosophila centrosomal protein Nuf is required for recruiting Dah, a membrane associated protein, to furrows in the early embryo. Journal of Cell Science 112:2885-2893. [PDF] Sharp, D.J, K. R. Yu, J. C. Sisson, W. Sullivan, J. M. Scholey. (1999) The antagonistic microtubule sliding motors, KLP61F and Ncd, determine the relative position of mitotic centrosomes in Drosophila embryos. Nature Cell Biology 1:51-54. [PDF] Rothwell, W.F. , P. Fogarty, C.M. Field, and W. Sullivan.(1998) Nuclear-fallout, a Drosophila protein that cycles from the cytoplasm to the centrosomes, regulates cortical microfilament organization. Development 125 (7):1295-130. [PDF] Yu, K. R., R.J. Duronio, and W. Sullivan. (1998) Cell cycle checkpoints: safe passage through mitosis In Mechanisms of Cell Division: Frontiers in Biology. Oxford University Press. [PDF] Cunniff, J., J. Blethrow, and W. Sullivan. (1998) Live analysis of the division cycles in X-irradiated Drosophila embryos. Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 113: DNA Repair Protocols: Eukaryotic Systems. Edited D.S. Henderson. Humana Press Inc.,Totowa, NJ. Fogarty, P. , S.D. Campbell , R. Abu-Shumays , B. de Saint Phalle , K.R. Yu , G.L. Uy , M.L. Goldberg, and W. Sullivan. (1997) The Drosophila grapes gene is related to checkpoint gene chk1/rad27 and is required for late syncytial division fidelity. Current Biology 7:418-426. [PDF] Sullivan, W., P. Fogarty, and W. Theurkauf. (1993) Mutations affecting the cytoskeletal organization of syncytial Drosophila embryos. Development 118:1245-1254. [PDF] Books and Chapters. Barbara Fasulo, William Sullivan (2008) Live Confocal Analysis of Mutant- and Drug-Treated Drosophila Embryos. Book Title: Confocal Microscopy: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume: 1075: 243-255. Springer Science+Business Media. Sullivan, W., M. Ashburner, R.S. Hawley (Editors) (2000). Drosophila Protocols. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. |